Friday, May 25, 2012

I woke up Englishwoman ( phenomenon)

case of spontaneous occurrence of foreign accent syndrome occurred in New Zealand.

Earlier this week, a resident of New Zealand Bronwyn Fox, as usual, woke up this morning, but not as usual - spoke with a strong accent, like a mixture of Wales, Scotland and the north London accent. While Bronwyn - novozelandka in the third generation and has never traveled to the UK. Surprised by such a change of a woman once called his close friends, but they decided that they just play and put up, said iscience.
- People ask me - where I - shares their feelings of Mrs. Fox - and when I say that, of Winton, then asks them about where I come from, and they are hard to believe that the emphasis just took out of my head.
The only one who humorously refers to the problem, - the husband of a woman. In France Presse news agency, he said:.
- It's pretty fun and funny. Sometimes even brightens up the boredom.
A woman not so long ago began to suffer from multiple sclerosis. And after a change of emphasis on images of MRI, doctors have seen two new injuries in the back of the brain. The attending physician, Mrs. Fox believes that these injuries are related changes in speech, but to help, unfortunately, does not.
Foreign accent syndrome - a rare disorder in which people can change it beyond recognition. The dossier ...
So in 1978, Nikolai Lipatov from the Vologda region, was hit by lightning, miraculously survived and unexpectedly to himself and others became fluent in three European languages.
In 1987, retired in the Tula region, Gennady Sergeevich Smirnov trailer truck was pressed against the fence. The strongest hit in the head. The next day, he suddenly began to speak the language of Goethe. While earlier, when the Great Patriotic he was in captivity, I heard a German speech, but did not understand it and can only use common cliches such as ...

In 1995 he retired Vera Vitalievna Roshchina from Volgograd, after heart disease, not only discovered a craving for all kinds of languages, but also an incredible ability to account for rapid, becoming almost human - computer.

Here's how to comment on this phenomenon is a senior researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry Branch of the Ministry of Health Speech Pathology Karina Shipkovo:.
- Polyglot suddenly become impossible to. For certain languages ​​in which these people were suddenly talking, they were known before. ... The main causes of the syndrome - injury, stroke, atrophy of nerve cells. If it affects the brain in childhood implicit information is violated to a lesser degree than that which is absorbed after. Therefore, failure to quickly new information is erased, and out pops a well- forgotten old.
The most common medical practice, there are cases when people start talking in their native language with a foreign accent. At least - when it suddenly resembles adult speech, the young child. Intellectuals who know several languages, after a stroke may begin to speak with an accent, and weave in their native language words of a foreign language.

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News from Skypecine. com.

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