Saturday, May 26, 2012

Holidays are not rich events

Sijil nearly suffocated. Experiment nepodlive resources is difficult to say - successful or not. Profit from the deluxe remained the same, but ruklik fell from 10 to 6 per day. Yesterday (8 March ) is generally difficult to sell 1k. T. e. profit from porn slipped to 15-20 per day, approximately. Too little.

On the other hand started to make new govnosayty. Admin has already set. Now think of the way the output drives a man a little article.

Fucking Yandex dismissed all plans. There is no stability in the positions. Not on their resources, nor the others. Hurry to entot ' Magadan ' run, it would be clear with what is necessary to work. And so. Every day news. byaki.

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