Monday, June 4, 2012

About the right klientorientirovannost by O. Henry


- I shall continue to deal only with experienced clerks, familiar with all the features of the jewelery trade - said yesterday haustonsky jeweler to a friend. You see, during the Christmas holidays, we usually need help and often take on these days, people who are great salesmen, but not privy to the subtleties of this jewelry business. And the young man is extremely polite and performers all, but thanks to him I just lost one of its best customers.

- How? .

- Sir, we are always buying, went with his wife a week ago, gave her a magnificent diamond pin select, promised to them as a Christmas gift, and asked the young man put it up for him today.

- I understand, - said one - he sold it to someone else, much to the dismay of your customer.

- You seem to not know very well the psychology of married people - said the jeweler. - This is really an idiot retained pending a pin, and so had to buy it.

About. Henry.

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