Friday, May 4, 2012

Book by Stephen R. Covey


About the book: ... ... The author of this book, Stephen Covey - the recognized ... entered the top 25 most influential people in the U.S.. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton called the ... ... This work is universal, as based on ... After reading it, you'll be able to achieve a new level of their effectiveness as in business and in relationships with others, especially with your family.

The book is designed for executives, professionals and students of psychology, as well as a wide range of readers. ... Therefore, his book is designed to improve your results in both these areas of life. Examples from the field of family life in her alternate with descriptions of business situations. Before you introduce into your daily practice of ... Covey calls a ... The author will be your mentor in the implementation of this profound personality change. Its implementation will lead to that change your attitude to many issues and, therefore, acts. That means new approaches to performance management, planning time, development of positive thinking and skill ...

... Its concept is very difficult sometimes, confusing. So you 'll want to not only browse through a book and study it carefully and reread many times, even. While reading, you 'll probably leave bookmarks and notes in the margins of each chapter. The book is a feeling that you personally have been a powerful seminar by the author - Stephen Covey.

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