Sunday, April 22, 2012

A few tips for buying high-quality planting material of grape

Skorovesna, which means that many amateur growers face a problem: where to buy. quality. planting material of grape. Therefore, we recommend Vamvospolzovatsya few simple tips that will help you a vybratimenno. planting material of grape. You want:.

a. grapes. experts advise buying in the specialized retail establishments ( garden centers, academic institutions, shops profiled companies).

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2. We do not recommend buying. planting material of grape. in natural markets, especially in atakzhe dealers who sell along the road.

3. before. purchase of Grapes. advised to examine the plant - it should imetzdorovy pretend not to have signs of infection diseases or pests, no mechanical damage to seedlings dolzhnobyt.

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4. Packing plants purchased grapes should contain informatsiyui producer of goods and brand.

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