Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Different skins corrupt

Today accidentally dropped in on an interesting event, which is called DirectHit, organized his Gorelaya Lily, for which she very much, thanks to him. And I accidentally hit on the performance of the person for the first time in my life seen. As I said, it is a marketer of God, but also a kind of. his name is. Maxim Lazebnik. In his short speech, which I managed to catch a small thought flashed for which I wanted to cling to him in the throat. The idea was that banned tobacco advertising in vain, that there are studies that suggest that the absence of tobacco advertising makes quitting smoking now 2-3% of people. For this thought I was ready to cling to him in the throat. Since the party is not mine, it still decided to hold back. He promised to write an angry twitter post in the blog. Yes, this is one of their posts, which is not in any way for technology business, except that at the end of a word. Who is not interested - pass.

Yes, probably only 2-3% of quit immediately, we will not argue, but even this figure is a huge. In a country where 40 % of the population smoke 2-3% - hundreds of thousands of people.

To substantiate his position, I will provide calculations on fingers. Not finding fault with the figures, we assume that the orders.

For example, the ideal smoker starts smoking at age 18 and smoked until his death, well, for example up to 60 years. '42 To 365 days per year = 15,330 days of smoking. I do not buy cigarettes, but let's say a pack of cigarettes costs UAH 5, 0. $ 62. For the life of a smoker spends on cigarettes dollar 9581. Low-margin business and the latest research brings a 5% profit. This means that each brings a heavy smoker 479 dollars net profits of tobacco companies.

What are the weaknesses in the calculations? . Unfortunately for tobacco companies. And their task is to sit down people as possible on this matter, and keep as long as possible.

Yes, the lack of advertising does not lead to the fact that all quit at once. This is evident. But tobacco advertising plays two important roles. It lowers the barrier to entry. T. e. If you see all cigarette advertising and think it is granted, then the first time you light a cigarette lighter.

The second role is that those people who try to quit smoking ever seen next to a picture of cigarettes, and they are constantly reminded of this.

That is why they are fighting for the right to advertise itself to early to plant our children on tobacco and as long as possible to keep it closer.

yes. Advertising for them it is the cheapest and most effective way to communicate with the CA. Each contact with BTL promotions on more expensive and they are unhappy. Yes, the tobacco companies are now lobbying for the abolition of this and go to the new media. Several times already heard from friends that smoke sought popular bloggers on the big money, not to promote a particular brand, namely the process of smoking. We must create a market, and there they will share it.

And a respected marketer begins to tell me, father, in front of my 11 year old child that I was stupid and did not understand anything in the business? .

Total, those bastards us and our children are killed, and at the same time have the audacity to show us that everything is normal.

And now about business, technology. One of my favorite films that touched on this subject ... What pleases.

PS. A majority of people who were at today's event, though not fools, and all that cal eaten.

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