Friday, March 30, 2012

Surprising number of people

To help you understand a little bit about what a unique companion in question, a few quotations from his personal website:.

SEO - the divorce of kolkhoz suckers.
I have written repeatedly that promotion - is to wait a month until your site is not to come out with your request to the first, second page Yandex. I was repeatedly told that my queries bass, etc. Labuda. I am angry, optimize your site for ' tea ', waited a month - the second page of Yandex:.
http://www. yandex. ru / yandsearch?.
Waited a month - the first page.

Remember that using the services of those who ...
Source: http://webmaster. yandex. ru - Yandex. The lower right corner.

Many people think that is a good clone or a man just kidding. But there is no. Really exists and really thinks so, writes.

But given quote just a trifle compared with the. themes of the Council of Europe. And the peak of creativity -. statement to the police.

That's what pleases me is a sense of humor man. At the local forum had at one time was with my avatar is a photo where he stood with a sign ' I work for food '.

I understand that today is not Friday, and on Christmas Eve, but still read, Away. If there is a rap on the Council of Europe, slam someone plyusik.


Please be aware of posting in the 151 blog? . Several pieces of tITsem, but are waiting for apa. But then the price will be different. In the meantime - 0. 5 for the post, 0. 25 for the guard. Knock in ICQ.

In. club. many changes. What? . But it will be even more. And it has been known only to me. ).

Unsuccessfully tried to run the engine vikipedievsky to collect people's encyclopedia of knowledge and Satkha avtoblogu. There are those who ran? .

Mobile Monday Ukraine, the first series of season

Organizers positioned the event as the first MoMo in Ukraine, but then we remember, this is the first series of season. If I'm not mistaken, in 2006-2007 Julia Palatovska, supported QArea held similar events, remember that the first MoMo in Ukraine it is 60% of the people in my phone book, three of the three speakers were invited me, and I do .
Then there was a big failure in connection with his departure to Moscow, Yuli Palatovska now fallen banner raised.
On Saturday I got Skype on my old buddy ode Moe, who said that I must be on the MoMo and get acquainted with his nephew. I have registered, but have not received confirmation, and still come back. I was not waiting, but let. The nephew was quick Ode to a young man 30 years old, a mixture of Scandinavians and the Hindus, who charmed everyone and was glad to get acquainted with me. Concurrently, he was kofaunderom Norwegian MoMo. We had a well and found a bunch of razznakomilis general ( he also spent much time in the Valley ), including the familiar. Surprised that has not crossed before. He said that Samsung owns 70% of the large Norwegian prayvat ekviti Fund.
It also found a number of friends, of which the highlight of Michael Laptev, which is always incredibly happy to see. There were many different people from different operators who were not interested in me and that I was not interested in. had a lot of brandy, which the people consume moderate.
Unfortunately, with my poor memory for names, I do not remember how to call a girl (a business card she gave me not ) -. upd. ( write that her name was Antonina Armashula, try to register! ), which is all organized, but it chustvovat iron grip, and I am sure that MoMo was in good hands, will live.
After a brief greeting to her side and sponsorship speech came a respected speaker Tomi Ahonen, a well-known consultant, author of the pile of books on the mobile market and pushed really cool speech. Fragments of the tweets that I (10 % of young people during sex can answer smskoy ok on the phone, the world's toothbrush is only 4. 2 yards of people, and CellPhones - probably considered to sim - in 5 of a penny ). The lecturer did not bother on a complex presentation, but otzheg strongly imbued with the people in the classroom as he works industry. For the report - 7 points out of possible 5. Was a small glitch when switched to the question - the question was not ( Orgs for the record, is always room to sit in a duck decoy, which is to ask questions if tupit Hall ). I had to bail out and ask a few questions, which received excellent response.
In conclusion, the novel was released Khmil, who, like me clothing contrasted with the audience and said a few words.
After that, people began to eat and drink, and I went to konkoll with Nicky and Max Savin Shkolnik.
I am amused by foreign visitors that said MoMo became godfather Startup Crash Test - the first thoughts of a regular community gathering came on it.

Orgs MoMo - good luck, the event proper and necessary, if you need help - always happy!.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The only start-up of Eastern Europe Disrapte. Invested Alan Martinson. In kompande, people with years of experience in Skype.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Psychological portrait - 3

Apachai. Quite insecure people. Permanent link to IMHO, emoticons in text. The written text is not sure people will put smiles - because he believes that properly conveys the emotion of the words. In the ICQ chat and emoticons are allowed - they are replacing a smile. But in the text - a sign of insecurity. Reinforce a sense of authority and references to. Sure man, too, refers to the authorities, not just as a specific material - Link unaddressed - a sign of unconditional recognition of the authority of a. Mlyn, why should I give out the secrets. Okay, let's go further. It is noticeable that very few ambitions. Simply striking. I do not know what was going on, maybe life is very quiet. And so do a normal guy - are always a number of.

buffalo. I've always been troubled deeply religious people. They are always so certain of his principles as to argue with them, simply useless. But here the case of a convert. And obviously that 's annoying to constantly prove that he really believes in what he believes. Actually the outside would not hurt to stop human doyabyvatsya. But is not the case, and that he did not believe himself to the end. That's how convincing others, he actually works with them. But as it was not there, otherwise it is quiet, very confident person. If you look at Rush. TV video with Sterligov - about the same type: built a house and live in it. The house here is not what you think, not housing. By the way, I have been a great friend, who actually became my godfather in physics - it is my nature, and sent to the Department of Physics. So he was a staunch Jewish Caucasian. And when it did not concern faith, he was a man mileyshim. But it was enough to appear religious or ethnic conflict, every friendship is dying, giving way to the principles of. This is a frightening. at first. Then he understood and accepted. And you want to.

Bodega. That follows from this blog infantile. The smell of a couple of kilometers. From the title to the text. A man living is easy. Or it is easy to apply to problems in their lives. The obvious problem with the responsibility for his actions and words. Sooner or later it will affect. But while apparently all of his or perceive what it is. What to take with the child? .

Jekyll. sublimating the cynic. To be able to avoid liability, invented the game in two characters. Although in reality - it is the second of them. What? . And the first is also. You say it does not happen - it is. We all wear two masks, but not all do it a fetish. In general, this blog - it's an interesting and rather rare phenomenon: it is true, disguised as the truth. Sophisticated trehhodovka: write the truth, pretending that writing the truth. As a result, they see the truth and foolish sympathy. Smart sees empathy stupid and sympathize with them, marveling at the author's pretense. The author sees the sympathy and admiration for the wise, admired the grandeur of his skill.

Bolverin. Straight as the boots (or the board?). If we seek analogies, I would compare with the Kemerovo. It's funny that women creative artists come across just such spouse. Apparently, all my life pretending to be forced to do, they make an absolute choice in favor of direct and clear guys. In general, he thinks, then writes. If he was lying, Ali embellishes it immediately catches the eye. Usually these people think they are the principal in his life, but we all know how it actually.

Eminkov. That's sunk to the gay. Obvious problems with self-determination. When a person begins to take pride in the fact that he is a man (or gay, the fact that he is gay ), it's obvious problems with understanding their place in life. It seems that something does not suit him in the current situation. It is evident disregard for others. Not in the sense that they do not understand the soul of his fine, he just separately, they are separate, even his lovers. Man lives for themselves. The reason can there be like that described above, and in the long fight for his position, which ended the military neutrality ' take me for who I am'. And so do a normal and happy kid, but strongly squeezed. Not in the sense that the company nykaetsya, but rather tries to hide it too much swagger.

arsenal. Of those who are called dork. T. e. has its firm position, which does not recognize the existence of alternative points. T. e. Alternative points may be, but are classified as ' not understand '. In this case, it is also multiplied by the intelligence. Tough mix. Obviously a great desire to bring his point to the other. If the authors of the above is often said to yourself, here is a conversation with the people. In order to understand everything. Judging by the comments - do not understand. Somehow, it seems that his wife 's quiet calm woman, an excellent housekeeper and mother. I had about the same teacher in the university. No one understood in worldly matters. In addition to his wife.

FDrayver. Commercial project. Too much control of himself. Or just a reluctance to talk about personal. Or at least bring emotion to the text. In general, I have asked these authors are not recorded. If for the sake of reference, I am here, and set.

Eremkin. There is an expression on his face when the little man 's eyes bulge, his mouth opens, and then throws up his hands and said 'yes dick knows, maybe strelnet '. That is, our author. T. e. All he is good and life is built on the principle that might strelnet. We work, we plan to, but live according to randomayzeru. In general, the more confidence and toughness would not hurt.

Rittori. A normal girl from the home of those who are called cozy. Noticeable and it looks like a large pent-up maternal instinct, which is now completely shed all.

MayorPronin. workaholic. Think about anything except not. More precisely like it is not the work of thinking, but in fact in its context. Perhaps the pace is too high or too much dialed is on the map, but currently no time to think. Chitnul more. yes. The obvious is too high given the pace. Perhaps it makes sense to stay or to jump off the moving train. But not for me then advise.

Shtoltsman. In general, there is a collection of complexes. From self to one's place in the universe and the question of nationality. And in terms of sex, Freud would have upisalsya delight with the patient. Honestly, I have to run faster and to a psychologist, while the stage was not a terminal. Perhaps you say that you have a fine creative nature (and it might ), but now there is a set of initial signs of mental disorders. And it's not a joke.

all. That's all. Anyone who wants more - sorry, I'm not going to quarrel and a half you'll ever need. Yes, and endure the emotional evaluation of speech - not a simple task. I am waiting for a bottle of dry red and a piece of sausage. For this generation, and you, too, a nice quiet night!.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012


Of course, the event is now number one in the world - the World Cup. Not to say that I was a big fan of the game, but watch for big events. Taki football - a modern analogue of gladiator fights, and good players are the real stars of Hollywood to become a.

My sympathies are with the Argentine. Not because the team is strong, I just remember how Maradona played in conjunction with Kanidzhey at its last championship, as he cried when they lost, it seems the Germans. To me then it seemed unfair - to the most important games due to injuries and cards have come few and the enemy was out of reach. Argentina will win or not this time - not so important, they're just like me only for emotional reasons. And they have a great Messi, Higuain and reactive breakdown Tevez. Excellent team worthy of final.

Of the other teams I can say only gathered a team of Germany. I do not know why they lost to Serbia, but as they roll out to England, making each counter in a single pass on a show - it had to be seen. A great team in Brazil. Fatal sticky defense and good attack. Yes, and a great goalie. Good claim to the sixth championship. Others have left a mixed impression and did not remember anything special. Is that funny to be seen in the semi- Ghana - chances are excellent.

However, from football to go for urgent. June went very heavy and, thank God, he is running out. Even if we forget about the trip, which knocked me personally for a week, I was left with almost no programming - basic in hospital for three weeks, another - in the stage of moving. Plus session had a negative impact on the work of another. In the end I got a delay in the execution of all projects that were in the. None of the planned has not been entered within. Crying and tearing my hair. This delay of payment from customers, and undrawn profits from commercial projects. But the summer, sea, vacation, force majeure! . Business is business. At least I managed to keep all the customers go through the expense of the accumulated reserves of lost profits and even engage in investing in other projects.

From the pleasant - we finally released a full Satkha up, which now allows corporate sites with one click, and convert templates WordPress. Of course, this had a positive impact on sales - Satkha steadily kept its leading position, which was almost lost to the panel in April-May. Although, of course, the results appear on a background session- vacation in June sad.

However, we finally took up the work with dealers, created an entire page to the promo in the club, as well as stating an action for them. Now, every month for one of the products will be announced at a premium discount, which will allow dealers to buy only one product is much cheaper than the official price. Since July 1, starts per month discount on Dorgen. Both versions can be purchased at a special price, but dealers. Follow the news from your favorite bloggers.

Almost managed to overcome the crisis with the promotion, emerging in late May - early June. Yandex sharply simmered sites, and in mid-June, once again twitched sickle. I had to make a few things about which I wrote below - now in the last ane evident that the positions on a number of clients have recovered, and in some places has improved. But a month had a nervous. Even before the ultimatum finished badly with one of the clients.

In June, there were several interesting meetings with potential clients. And some Skype conference with the same. But I did not show the proper persistence, or customers do not need too much - until it resulted in nothing. And me and find out laziness. zazhralis something.

Again, he took on the barter site for a local business magazine. As a result, our promotional posters disperse circulation 3000 copies. throughout the city. For me - this is the best advertisement for the web-studio. At least, no TV, no radio, no promo I did not give such an effect. If you have your own web studio - look for the business press, and enclose a barter agreement for the site will not lose.

Summer is finally reached and the Kaliningrad. The second day the temperature is above 20 degrees. But today was so completely in the 25-27. The city is not stuffy, but it is already too heavy to transport, well, that taxis are air-conditioned. The people coming down the shaft of the sea.

One of the negative trends of summer - low attendance at business sites. This, oddly enough, despite the obvious need to explain to clients. Well, I can not drag on the business site with a search for the same people as the fall or April. Nobody wants to work when the sun is on the street. And this is perfectly normal. I do not want to work. However, I deserve it,. I can and doing nothing.

Start a new project with his wife. The site is ready, the goods are purchased, leased phone number. Settles the last technical detail: Negotiable base, hiring a courier, taking pictures of the goods. I think that the objective in two weeks will begin to work. That just seems that nothing we have not issued the account - hard time paying taxes on the receipts. The total investment runs up to 200 thousand. That's about as much as I put on the first business. But then it was the only and last money. Do not invest all the money in the business - the risk of losing everything is too big.

That's just the other day a man knocked and told the story. Invested money, engaged in arbitrage, everything was fine, but then had to get away for a while. When he returned, wallets have been cleared by hackers. Borrowed money, and began again. And history repeated itself - left, came back from the zeros. But now it also has all the. Business is business - to play the latest it can not be.

Has in recent times to think about the feasibility of placing the leading projects in the RU zone. Events with the withdrawal of servers and confiscation of domains occurring in runet increasingly make py - zone are too fragile. And most importantly, no tools quickly remedy the situation. A Web project is equivalent to a simple monthly total collapse: nick go to another place. Imagine your favorite Habr or Dirt suddenly switch off for a month. Just so, on suspicion of. And as will all the expertise, the project dies. No wonder torrents. py moved to ORG.

Speaking of torrents. Fed to pump. As a result, the last drive went out and bought the store. 150 rubles. In the end, saved the week leveling the night - the series is not the most popular among seeders. Zazhralis apparently. But so tired in the morning to get up earlier than others to cut down a client.

However, the time is now past. A patient should sleep more. So I allow myself to take a bow.

had forgotten. Andrew Troy was noted in the. the local Komsomolskaya. on the main page. The star now, EPT. It's funny that the comments on the site of yellow junior anyone categorically stated that such anything equal (20, 30 thousand. ) On the Internet can only be free to raise. It's time to make the program ' Mythbusters on the Internet '.

yes. And about the inaccessibility of the club. I sold it Arba. joke. Everything is much easier, although I did later notice.

On Tuesday, 29. 06. 2010, in the datacenter ServerLu (Luxembourg) in the period from 09:30 to 12:00 GMT will be carried out maintenance work related to ensuring uninterrupted power supply racks. During this time, the server will be unavailable this broker.
We apologize for the inconvenience forced.

all. See you tomorrow. Follow the show can MaulnetVSArb. here. Alternative versions of the participants in the events. here. and. here.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

This is a very strong influence on the happiness of the child


Science. Daily. (. Apr. 10, 2011) - The level of satisfaction in the family situation of young people are very closely related to the nature of relationships with parents, and in particular with the happiness of their mother. result. s study are based on the primary results. Understanding. Society. , The largest agency, which specializes in household panel studies, which heads the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex.

As part of the study, which will observe the life of 40. 000 British families for several years, began a survey of adolescents aged 10 to 15 years, how satisfied they are with their lives. The results showed that maternal happiness in marriage is much more important for. child. Than the happiness of his father. These results are based on Example 6. 441 women, 5. 384 men and 1. 268 adolescents.

Overall, 60 % of adolescents reported that they were ...

The. Understanding. Society. examined the relationship between spouses or persons who are cohabiting, and between parents and their children. Prof.. John. Ermisch. Dr.. Maria. Iacovou. And Dr.. Alexandra. Skew. Institute for Social and Economic Research found that the happiest children - those who live with both parents ( biological or adoptive ), no younger brothers or sisters, those who seldom quarrel with their parents, those who have at least three times a week as a family dinner .

Commenting on these results, Dr.. Maria. Iacovou. states: ' At a time when popular concern about the political problems of British youth, these findings suggest that family relationships and happiness of parents are key to the happiness of young people. Contrary to popular belief that children only want to spend time playing video games or watching TV, we found that they are most happy, interacting with their parents or siblings. '.

The study also showed that the presence of older siblings does not affect the satisfaction of children by their family, although if you live in the house of the younger brothers and sisters, family satisfaction level is lower and it appears the greater, the younger brothers and sisters. Still, the relationship with parents is more important than relationships with siblings. Only 28 % of children who curse their parents more than once a week and do not discuss important issues with parents, said they are happy to have a family.

Dr. Iacovou. commented: ... After a few years until. Understanding. Society. will observe the life of British families, we build a more accurate picture of how to influence the happiness of the child by various factors. agency. Understanding. Society. created specifically for anyone interested in the welfare of children. '.

ScienceDaily. com.
Translation and adaptation:. Julia Yaroshenko. specifically for. Everything about the man.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

All about social networks - I.

All about social networks - I. The effect on human.


This material is the first part of a detailed article devoted entirely to social networks: their types, development opportunities, influence, etc. Dr..

Today we'll discuss the general principles of social networks, history of development, the impact of social networks on people's lives. The material contains recent data on popular networks, and highlights the weak points of this issue.
Source - ' Lab Word of mouth '.

more ».

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New aircraft airline Qantas: Wi-Fi and sockets for laptops

What to do on long flights? . The fact that the new Airbus A380 aircraft and the ... True, the economy class passengers are the benefits of civilization will be available only in the Airbus A380. With regard to timing, then enjoy the Internet in -flight passengers will be able to Qantas aircraft early next year.
Reportedly, the network access services will be provided by ONAIR - a joint venture between Airbus and SITA.
Source:. MobileDevice.

Different skins corrupt

Today accidentally dropped in on an interesting event, which is called DirectHit, organized his Gorelaya Lily, for which she very much, thanks to him. And I accidentally hit on the performance of the person for the first time in my life seen. As I said, it is a marketer of God, but also a kind of. his name is. Maxim Lazebnik. In his short speech, which I managed to catch a small thought flashed for which I wanted to cling to him in the throat. The idea was that banned tobacco advertising in vain, that there are studies that suggest that the absence of tobacco advertising makes quitting smoking now 2-3% of people. For this thought I was ready to cling to him in the throat. Since the party is not mine, it still decided to hold back. He promised to write an angry twitter post in the blog. Yes, this is one of their posts, which is not in any way for technology business, except that at the end of a word. Who is not interested - pass.

Yes, probably only 2-3% of quit immediately, we will not argue, but even this figure is a huge. In a country where 40 % of the population smoke 2-3% - hundreds of thousands of people.

To substantiate his position, I will provide calculations on fingers. Not finding fault with the figures, we assume that the orders.

For example, the ideal smoker starts smoking at age 18 and smoked until his death, well, for example up to 60 years. '42 To 365 days per year = 15,330 days of smoking. I do not buy cigarettes, but let's say a pack of cigarettes costs UAH 5, 0. $ 62. For the life of a smoker spends on cigarettes dollar 9581. Low-margin business and the latest research brings a 5% profit. This means that each brings a heavy smoker 479 dollars net profits of tobacco companies.

What are the weaknesses in the calculations? . Unfortunately for tobacco companies. And their task is to sit down people as possible on this matter, and keep as long as possible.

Yes, the lack of advertising does not lead to the fact that all quit at once. This is evident. But tobacco advertising plays two important roles. It lowers the barrier to entry. T. e. If you see all cigarette advertising and think it is granted, then the first time you light a cigarette lighter.

The second role is that those people who try to quit smoking ever seen next to a picture of cigarettes, and they are constantly reminded of this.

That is why they are fighting for the right to advertise itself to early to plant our children on tobacco and as long as possible to keep it closer.

yes. Advertising for them it is the cheapest and most effective way to communicate with the CA. Each contact with BTL promotions on more expensive and they are unhappy. Yes, the tobacco companies are now lobbying for the abolition of this and go to the new media. Several times already heard from friends that smoke sought popular bloggers on the big money, not to promote a particular brand, namely the process of smoking. We must create a market, and there they will share it.

And a respected marketer begins to tell me, father, in front of my 11 year old child that I was stupid and did not understand anything in the business? .

Total, those bastards us and our children are killed, and at the same time have the audacity to show us that everything is normal.

And now about business, technology. One of my favorite films that touched on this subject ... What pleases.

PS. A majority of people who were at today's event, though not fools, and all that cal eaten.

A top client - as a step in the career

Everyone is familiar contempt for web studios, who have a portfolio of only the alteration of their own site, and several IP. After all, everyone immediately clear that this is all the orders ' by acquaintance '. And if not three, but the stereotype is a stereotype. not overcome. Therefore, the client needs a top-end, which immediately rearrange you up a notch.

Many consider themselves to be so qualified, it is better to do it for 30 thousand. every entrepreneur than 10 thousand. organization, which on everyone's lips long unsold businessman in the city. You are the same? .

Of course, I will send any fuck Toba, who will come and twist my arm, hoping to knock off the cost of the project to zero. I, like many of those who are reading this, I heard a 'yes you should be grateful that we have addressed to you '. I silently nodded and said to himself, ' Go fuck '. And what else? . So - what hand twist.

Several times I was told ' you know, the situation is ': the budget or just painted, there is only a budget for support or just good at bartering. That's when I started to consider. Benefits and perspectives. Actually - this is the main feature that distinguishes a businessman from the employee. Where an employee sees a direct benefit, a business is able to see the future. And to hell with their money - through the years will be to big money! . You'll also bite your elbows. A late.

I find it difficult to define the masthead to the client - how can you teach intuition? . The client will be loyal to you and after the execution of the contract ( very important). It is important not so much the presence of a client 's portfolio, as it reviews. You can make the City Hall site, but then razosratsya with them - and this is a dead asset. A contract with the local power company for three years - this is a great asset that will bring you customers.

Can be a good asset, and to make concessions. I guess my major breakthroughs have been linked to the fact that I was going to make concessions with customers. So you do not make concessions to other. Businessmen - the same people and are willing to pay for the work of those who have entrusted their orders top companies. And once I get paid more, then I can pay more to their employees, therefore - the quality of work increases. So it is sometimes to give.

Want to increase your studio - look to the client. This is your main campaign. And to hell with him to the portfolio. It's no wonder so fighting for the title of ' Supplier of the Kremlin ', when in fact it is not so. But it sounds nice. We live in a world of words and concepts. And the higher your previous customers, the easier it is to work with the following. The truth however unpleasant for most of these clients, so simple and. Everyone wants to join, even if it denies.

Someone will say ' what about the quality of work? ' . Only he does not know what to work on the order of the quality of work can only be a superficial view. Often the good work on the site shall work on design. And half an hour I recently explained to the client why the site is steeper than the A site B, while B is better in design than a. Well the client does not know all zamorochek. But the experience of working with top clients and D tell him that if they trust, and performance should be adequate.

This time, a second point is that the premium at the expense of working with top clients allows you to work with good professionals and give to the mountain of good quality. Hence, the victim 's worth it.

Appreciate your work, but learning how to be flexible - that's the salt of the business.


Continue to put links to those who refer to me:. Blog lazy. By the way, no way a blog, only rarely writes. I am preparing for the great review. AdmitAD. - If you have any questions to the creators of this system, then ask them to e-mail. masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. or. theme in the club. Do you want to review your affiliate program? . link below.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The researchers reached speeds 16.4 Tbit / s

212de0fc44bfea369f5bc5b7007059a6_fullThe purpose of a 100 Gigabit Ethernet has become closer to reality this week when researchers Alcatel-Lucent reported a record in the field of optical data transmission.

In its report submitted to the event under the name Long Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC / NFOEC), they were told about the work, which is said to pave the way for the successful implementation of high- technology communication. In the project involved a number of new developments in hardware components: a balanced optoelectronic receiver with high linearity and ultra-compact, insensitive to temperature coherent mixer.
Data transmission at speeds of 16.4 Tbit / s over a distance of 2550 km was carried out by scientists Bell Labs, Alcatel and Kylia. To deliver such a high speed channel was used by 164 of 100 Gbit / s compressed using wavelength division multiplexing technology ( Wavelength Division, WDM).
On the development of optical integrated circuits required for the organization of the optical transmission at 100 Gbit / s, told in the OFC / NFOEC Bell Labs employees. Three reports described the creation of integrated high-speed receiver and two modulators, one of which uses a dual effect of polarization.

nnm. ru.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The laser gun with a capacity of 10,000 watts

news_15012_1_MDFor years, scientists are working on laser weapons, which never runs out of charge, and that will be able to shoot down a target in the air, if you configure it a certain way. However, over time all that they do not exceed the power of an ordinary incandescent bulb. It was only in 2004, scientists from the Jefferson Laboratory in the American National Accelerator Centre have created a so-called ... But now the research units of the Navy United States began to develop a laser FEL, 10 times more powerful, that is, a 100- kilowatt.

The defense industry has expressed interest in this type of laser, since the rest of their species to some extent absorbed by the atmosphere. This is especially evident in a humid environment, for example, over the sea. Immunity FEL lasers due to their ability to work at certain wavelengths, which are practically not absorbed by the medium.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We will package OpenOfice commercial technical support

e40b64f8ac441a7f64a1026bd89cdca1By Sun Microsystems intends to support the use of open office suite OpenOffice in the business sector, while earning some money on the open software. On Monday, Sun will provide the services of commercial support for OpenOffice, offering users a full range of services for the open office suite.

According to Mark Herring, senior marketing projects, StarOffice / OpenOffice, the basic package will cost only $ 20 a year per user, but end-users, this service will be unavailable, at least in the near future. Business can also subscribe to the service later this year.

' The mass distributors engaged in communicating OpenOffice, many companies have already begun to abandon the private office suites in favor of the free OpenOffice, but still one of the weaknesses of this package was the unavailability of qualified technical support ...

Recall that OpenOffice is based on code StarOffice, which was acquired and then released to open source Sun Microsystems. Earlier, he distributed on the dual licensing scheme: under LGPL and SISSL. But the September 3, 2005, Sun Microsystems has announced the rejection of SISSL for all of their open source projects, and the package ever since has only licensed under the LGPL. Both of the above package is fully compatible with Microsoft Office, in its basic functionality of all the packages are roughly equal. The composition of OpenOffice, like StarOffice, is a text editor, spreadsheet editor, and a package for creating presentations.

However, until now only supported Sun StarOffice. However, the Sun reported that the support of OpenOffice, and there is one limitation - the company will not provide the package of legal protection in the event of nomination against him for various violations.

Herring said that at today's weekly downloaded about 1 million copies in the office suite for different operating systems, the total number of users as OpenOffice developers estimate of 110 million people, with a few dozen million people are active users of the package and constantly download updates.

In OpenOffice note that today is the current version of the package 2. 3, the next release, version 2. 4, is scheduled for March 2008. ' It's no secret that a dominant position in the market is Microsoft Office, only a fool would deny it. However, it is also true that OpenOffice is developing faster than ever, and the project has the most promising prospects ' - believes Herring.

The Sun said that the development model of the open office suite involves the creation of third-party modules, including the kernel package. These modules will also be maintained, for which Sun will work closely with developers of third-.

Along with plans to support Sun also provide server software StarOffice 8 Server, allowing for the immediate conversion of about 40 office file formats to PDF. According to the Sun, the new package, which costs 11,000 dollars, is aimed at businesses who need to store large volumes of electronic documents created in different formats.
CyberSecurity. RU.

CCleaner 3.11.1541 [ Russian version ]

CCleaner - This utility is designed to clean the system debris. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files, search strings, files, Recycle Bin, etc. Dr.. Also search for temporary files of third-party applications: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Alcohol 120, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip, GetRight, Morpheus, Download Accelerator Plus, VirtualDub .

Can be subjected to cleaning and registry Windows, ridding it of its unnecessary extensions of the old library dll and wrong ways, which accumulate in considerable quantities, especially after installing and uninstalling various programs. Doing all of these operations on your system, you not only free up disk space, but also increase overall system performance.

Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 ( 64- bit).

What's new in this version:.
- Added initial support for Windows 8.
- Added expanded Recycle Bin contents in detailed view.
- Improved Thunderbird cache cleaning support.
- Improved Safari history cleaning.
- Improved 'Unused File Extensions' registry rule improvements.
- Improved Secure file deletion on FAT32 file system.
- Improved Drive Wiper tool to prevent UI freezing.
- Improved cleaning for Windows Log Files, Memory Dumps, Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010.
- Improved Speedbit Download Accelerator Plus cleaning.
- Added cleaning for AkelPad.
- Added Latvian translation.
- Minor bug fixes.

Information taken from the site HotSoft. Net. Ru.